The Document Management section of the platform can be accessed from the top dark gray navigation bar by clicking "DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT." NOTE: the folders listed under "Document Management" may look different on your screen depending on how your settings were configured when you first set up the Platform. The Document Management page is shown below:
Displayed on the left-hand side of the screen is a list of several folders. First, the System folder is a default folder used to store files and folders to a specific compliance system. Next, the Global folder is a default folder used to store files and folders which are inheritable by other modules, systems of record, and global organization records. Third, the Additional Programs folder is the default folder used to store files and folders from corresponding custom Systems of Record. Finally, the External Files folder is used for gathering external information from external parties through artifact request links. Expanding a folder displays the page below:
Artifacts can be previewed if available, by clicking the eye icon next to the artifact name. Next, artifacts can be added by clicking the orange CREATE NEW ARTIFACT button atop the listed folders. This will present a form requesting input:
After entering the document inheritance level, name (required), type (required), regulatory requirement, description, and adding the attachment clicking the orange ‘SUBMIT’ button in the bottom right corner will save the artifact.
Clicking the icon in the ‘Actions’ column allows for the assigning of artifacts:
The Assign Artifact form requests the document inheritance level, systems (required), name (required), type (required), regulatory requirement, description, and artifact url (required). The gray and orange buttons in the bottom right of the window will cancel and submit the information respectively.
Documents can also be requested from this section of the platform. This is done by clicking "Document Request" in the upper-middle section of the screen, and then clicking the orange ADD ARTIFACT REQUEST button on the upper right-hand side of the screen. Doing so will present a form requesting an email address to request from (required), the artifact name (required), and the frequency to request the artifact (required).
Artifact requests can also be edited by clicking the pencil icon within the individual artifact request box. Doing so displays the form below requesting the email (required), artifact name (required), and frequency (required). Request configuration modifications can be saved or canceled using the orange and gray buttons in the bottom right corner of the window.