The global notification management area of the platform is accessed by first clicking the user drop-down in the top right corner of the platform, and then clicking “Settings.” Next, select “Global Notification Management” from the section second from the left titled Application Settings. This will display the page below.
Within the page, the pre-built and customizable Email templates are organized under the following categories:
- Generic Email - contains the Welcome Email and Password Reset templates.
- Compliance Email - contains 20+ templates used within the Compliance Module to help with task management, reminders, activity notification, documentation requests, etc.
- Vendor Email - contain 10+ templates used within the Vendor Management Module to help with task management, reminders, etc.
- Policy Email - contains the Review and Approve templates used within Policy Module.
Your screen may look different depending on what has been enabled in your system, but below is an example of the Email templates on the Global Notification Management page.
To Edit, View, or Deactivate the email notification, click the “hamburger” (three lines) icon under the actions column of the desired notification. If edit is selected, the page below will display allowing for the modification of the global email notification. By default the Settings tab will show. The Notification Enabled can be toggled on or off. The Title and Subject can be customized to meet your company needs. Be sure to click the orange SAVE button in the top right corner under the user drop-down, as this preserves the changes.
Next, click the “Email” tab next to “Settings” above the green toggle. This displays the text editor to modify the content of the email notification. The default message can be modified using the "Available Macros" listed to the left of the email template. The Macros act as placeholder text (like Mail Merge) and will pull data into the email when it is sent. Make sure the # sign is added before and after the macro, as shown in the email template.
Be sure to click the orange SAVE button in the top right corner under the user drop-down, as this preserves the changes.