This feature is used with Single-Sign-On (SSO) only.

If an organization has worked with Ignyte to set up SSO, a new user will click on "LOGIN with" option on the log in form. The first time they do this they will will need to request a role. There are default values that will display when the setting is changed from Off to On. Off is the default setting.

The Settings within this feature allows for the defining of Access Types, Clearance, and who would receive Access Request notifications. The Access Type and clearance values can be edited or new values can be added. If you've added a new custom value, you will see a minus icon in the Action column to remove if it was added in error of deemed unnecessary.

For the Access Request Recipient, typically this is an Ignyte resource; however, a person who is your company Account Admin can be added here to do self-service role assignments instead of an Ignyte resource managing this for the company. Click SAVE to complete the setup of the Authorization Request setting or CANCEL if you want to discard.