The User Management settings can be modified within the platform by first clicking the user profile drop-down in the top right corner of the platform, and then select "Settings." Locate "Organizational Settings" and select "User Management." The User Management screen is shown below:
Here the platform's users are displayed in a table with information including the account's username, email address, name, role, phone, status, and the creation date of the account.
Add User
Users can be added by clicking the orange + ADD USER button in the top right corner under the user drop-down menu. This will display the page below:
Here the user information can be modified. This information includes title, first name (required), last name, email (required), user name (required), phone (required), role (required), password (required), address, time zone, and account status (required). User additions can be preserved or canceled by clicking the orange SAVE button or the gray CANCEL button in the top right under the user drop-down menu.
Edit User
User information can be altered from the user management screen by clicking the icon in the ‘Actions’ column of the user to be modified and then clicking ‘Edit User’. The Edit User form is shown below:
After editing a user profile, changes can be preserved or canceled by clicking the orange SAVE button or the gray CANCEL button in the top right under the user drop-down menu.