A Custom System of Record (Custom SoR) can be configured within the platform. This is done by first clicking the user drop-down in the top right corner of the Platform, and then clicking "Settings." Under the section labeled Custom SoR, click "Configure SoR." This will display the window below:

First, configure the name displayed on the top navigation bar of the platform where the Custom SoRs will be organized. This is done by typing directly into the gray box below "Platform Menu."

Next, to add a System of Record, simply type the name of the Custom SoR into the textbox under SOR Name or click the + ADD MORE button on the top right of the Custom SoR list. Be sure to save the configurations using the orange SAVE button in the bottom right corner of the window.

Added SoRs will then be displayed in the platform’s settings area under the section titled ‘SOR’. NOTE: The titles may vary depending on how the Top Menu name was configured. Click on the name of the new SoR to configure. Click on the NEW RECORD TYPE button to add the new SoR to the top navigation menu and to enter the Record Type Name and a brief description. Be sure to save the record type by clicking the orange SAVE button in the bottom right corner of the window.

Click on one of the Type & Field options to edit the attributes for the record system. This will display a page similar to the one below:

To add an attribute, drag the appropriate data type from the middle gray box into the dotted box on the right. Give it a title, choose to make the attribute mandatory and/or displayed in the records list view, and click the orange SAVE button to complete the configuration or CANCEL if you want to discard.