Modified on: Thu, 14 Dec, 2023 at 5:52 PM
- POA&M Features added including: the display of custom POA&M Fields under the default field, redirection to a control from the POA&M section of the platform, the display of a newly created POA&M as the name of a control, and a new “IN PROGRESS” status.
- Functionality to add colored Control Tags in the platform’s Table Views.
- The Record Type SoR may now be imported using a templated excel spreadsheet.
- SoR and Assets can now show color for drop down boxes on cells.
- An option to change the control status from Table View to List View has been added with a gear icon. Additionally, gear icons now enable/disable columns from the Table View.
- Add/Reorder Requirements updates involve: the section now staying expanded after moving a control, Expand All & Collapse All functionality, and a feature adding a “Shift Up” & “Shift Down” option.
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