
  • A filtering feature for the SCAP Assets in the SCAP area was added.

  • Added the Status filter to the Requirement Table Grid view, enabling users to select and filter data by status, even when the Status field is unselected from the gear icon.

  • Users can now perform bulk tagging on controls by selecting multiple controls in the Bulk Operation area, then clicking "Add Tag," searching for relevant tags, and applying one or more selected tags to the controls.

  • Users now have the ability to view Control Statements in the POA&M Deficiency control section through an Expand/Collapse feature, enhancing the interface for better control statement visibility.

  • Timestamp was added to the dropdown for chronological file order, with each XML upload represented by a distinct bar in the graph, preventing duplicate uploads and validation errors.

  • A feature to copy the Content in a structured way from the element area of SCAP to another application such as Word, Excel, or Notepad.

  • The ability to expand the "enter Comment Here" text area is available in the SCAP area.

  • FEDRAMP REV.4's POA&M Deficiency table now has updated default fields with corresponding changes in the right panel and watermark mentioned in the information area.

  • Users can download FEDRAMP REV.4 system reports in Word and XML formats from the Reports area, with a "Validate XML" button for easy validation and result tracking.